Child & Student Privacy Issues: Student Monitoring & Surveillance

Child & Student Privacy Issues: Student Monitoring & Surveillance

A collection of resources about privacy and equity challenges with student monitoring and surveillance.


Student Surveillance Resources Authored by PIPC Staff

“Understanding Student Monitoring,” an infographic by the Future of Privacy Forum, depicts the variety of reasons why schools monitor student digital activities, what types of student data are being monitored, and how that data could be used.

This 2016 article from NASBE identifies and analyzes the benefits and potential problems that school surveillance poses, and suggests six principles to guide state policymakers toward effective, balanced policies.

Exploring the complex intersection of self-harm monitoring technology in schools, this report discusses the technology's privacy and equity concerns, and offers resources to help schools and districts protect students’ privacy in the context of monitoring for self-harm.

More Resources

Additional Resources by PIPC Staff


Issue Briefs: 


Useful Outside Resources