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Press Release Header 700 x 510 px

PIPC Joins Letter Endorsing COPPA 2.0 with AASA, NSBA, AFT, and other members of the Federal Education Privacy Coalition

2024-04-04 700x510 (17)

From Data Privacy to Discrimination: Examining the Legal Ramifications of AI in Schools

2024-04-10 700x510

K-12 Privacy Policy Guide: How to Quickly Spot Red Flags

2024-04-04 700x510 (9)

Recommended Resources: State Laws

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Recommended Resources: The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

2024-04-04 700x510 (2)

Tis the Season for Rulemaking: FTC Announces New COPPA NPRM

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A Privacy Protective Path to Using Technology in Schools: Parental Consent is Not a Panacea

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Practical Considerations for AI & Integrated Data Systems: Implicit Bias

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What New Amendment to the Kids Online Safety Act May Mean for Integrated Data Systems