Child & Student Privacy Issues: Legislative Analysis

Child & Student Privacy Issues: Legislative Analysis

A collection of resources analyzing federal and state child and student privacy proposals.


Recent Legislative Analysis

2024-04-04 700x510 (9)

Recommended Resources: State Laws

2024-04-04 700x510 (2)

Tis the Season for Rulemaking: FTC Announces New COPPA NPRM

2024-04-04 700x510 (4)

What New Amendment to the Kids Online Safety Act May Mean for Integrated Data Systems

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Webinar: Fixing Student & Child Privacy Laws: The Current Landscape

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Privacy Impact of the Federal Parent Bill of Rights

2024-04-04 700x510 (4)

Bipartisan Support for Child Privacy Protections

2023-12-12 Canva Adapted Image (49)

California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code: What You Need to Know

2024-04-04 700x510 (87)

FTC Issues EdTech & COPPA Policy Statement


Introduction: The Privacy and Equity Implications of Using Self-Harm Monitoring Technologies

Recent Legislative Analysis

More Resources

Many additional resources only mention FERPA peripherally. If you're interested in the intersection of FERPA and a particular topic, email us to see if there's an existing resource we recommend.


Our Favorites:


Model Templates:

The Best Overview:

For Practitioners:

For the Geeks: